chanceforchange e.V. is a non-profit association in Seeshaupt, initiated in Bali by the founding couple Dian and Ernst Flügel, see picture, in COVID-19 times, with a focus on 'helping people to
help themselves' in Indonesia. There and in Germany we work for change and sustainability issues.
Change must start in the West. Dian and Ernst Flügel see the enormous imbalance in the world every day in Bali. It is visible, for example, through the rubbish - everywhere - and tangible through
the extreme dependence of many people on us.
During the pandemic (2020-2022), chanceforchange supported needy families between 3 and 12 months from Bali and also migrants in Bali financially or with food.
We are guided by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. They provide the framework for our projects for a socially, economically and ecologically sustainable
development of the world.
See Starting Page
We operate in the southwest of the island and in central Bali in the Gianyar region.
Since March 2022, tourism has slowly but surely returned and we are focusing on the UN Sustainable Development Goals: No Poverty, Health and Wellbeing, Partnerships to Achieve the Goals,
Sustainable Consumption/ Production and Climate Change Mitigation through Rainforest Conservation in the Long Sam area in East Kalimantan/ Indonesia.
All seven founding members of chanceforchange e.V. in Seeshaupt/ Bavaria work on a voluntary basis.
These are our founding heroes
(Clockwise from top left):
Alexandra Ott
Peter Knoll
Stiev Stoll
Nicole Ebner Smiljanic
Axel Dechamps
23 July 2022 In the local Bali press about Bali Five exhibition in aid of the rainforest in Kalimantan.
Article about our work in Indonesia in the local newspaper Dorfleben Seeshaupt
April 2022
Local press Seeshaupter Dorfzeitung June 2021
31.05.2021 Süddeutsche Zeitung/ Starnberg
About the organisation, the Art Helps! project and the book My Year on Planet Bali
12.05.2021 Das Gelbe Blatt Penzberg
Information about the Art Helps! Project
09.05.2021 Weilheimer Tagblatt
A very personal article about our time in Bali, how we got involved in charity work during the pandemic, how it changed us and why we are going back to Bali.
14.05.2020 Süddeutsche Zeitung
How it all started